Jumpstarting my dream career in kids’ media with Creativity Works

Posted 2 August 2023

After months of struggling to find regular paid work in the media industry, Hebe Lawson discovered Creativity Works, a programme that seemed like the perfect opportunity to jumpstart her career. Not only did it teach her important lessons and provide valuable experiences, but it also helped her land her dream career in kids’ radio!

After graduating from university in Belfast, I was feeling disheartened by my lack of progress in finding my dream paid job in radio or television. I was juggling voluntary work, freelance work and a cinema job to make ends meet when I found Creativity Works. It felt like the perfect time to embark on a new path, so I decided to pack my bags and move back home to London to join the course!

For me, the greatest benefit of Creativity Works was the freedom to converse with experts without any expectations or commitments. The programme allowed me to explore numerous companies without the fear of impressing bosses, securing a job, or earning a paycheque. This freedom enabled me to deeply delve into exploring my desired career path and identify aspects of the media industry that resonated with me. The chance to be selective, ask questions, and uncover my true passions became a key takeaway from the entire experience.

I just wanted a change of focus, an opportunity to have a month-long career consultation and an open door into some of the biggest media companies in London.

Four people sat around a table, with notebooks and drinks, talking and smiling. There are similar tables in the back.

Hebe and some of her fellow cohort members at their Creativity Works induction.

During my time in Creativity Works, I took the opportunity to apply for a job at Fun Kids, the largest children’s radio station in the UK. Shortly after completing the programme, I was thrilled to be offered the position of Junior Multiplatform Producer. Working in children’s media has always been a lifelong dream, and now I couldn’t be happier! 

The session we had with The Podcast Guys taught me so much about the job I have now in radio. I had the opportunity to pick the brains of the team, who provided valuable insights into the commercial side of podcasting and how creativity can permeate every aspect of the industry. The tricks of the trade they shared have proven useful every day in my career.

My experience in the programme not only deepened my understanding of the media industry but also helped me refine the kind of role I wanted to pursue, ultimately leading me to my current dream position. Creativity Works gave me the time and focus to find a role I was truly passionate about!

Creativity Works helped me achieve my goal, by giving me the opportunity to change my mindset and find my speciality!

I am incredibly grateful for the support I received throughout the process and the friendships I formed during the course. It was heartwarming to know that we were all on the same journey, understanding our place in the industry and supporting one another to reach our goals.

No matter whether you are straight out of school, finishing a media course in university or have been in the industry but are struggling to pin down stable work, it is so worth applying to Creativity Works!   

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