Pitch Perfect: How Necessities UK Nailed Their Media Pitch

Posted 10 March 2025

Media Trust and News UK gave charities that opportunity in 2024 through Speed Pitching events, connecting them with journalists to amplify unheard voices.

What if you had just 60 seconds to pitch a story that could change the world? That’s exactly what Media Trust, in partnership with News UK, offered to charities throughout 2024 with a series of Speed Pitching events. These sessions gave charities a rare chance to connect directly with journalists, shining a spotlight on stories that too often go untold. Each event was crafted around key awareness days – like Pride Month and Disability History Month – ensuring that marginalised voices took centre stage. 

Leading up to each event, Media Trust and News UK worked with the charities to find a story that mattered to them and their cause. Then, on the day, participants faced the ultimate challenge: delivering their 60-90 second pitch to seasoned News UK journalists, receiving instant feedback in the hope of their stories being developed and published by News UK media outlets.  

In September 2024, we hosted a Speed Pitching event ahead of Black History Month. One charity, Necessities UK, seized this opportunity to raise awareness about poverty among Black and Ethnic Minority communities in the UK. Here’s how the experience went for them! 

What Necessities UK were looking for 

Necessities UK joined the News UK Black History Month Speed Pitching event to enhance their impact, raise awareness, and create strategic partnerships to tackle poverty and hunger more effectively. Given Black and Ethnic Minority groups are disproportionately affected by poverty and less likely to receive support, Necessities UK recognised the event as a vital opportunity to advocate for vulnerable communities. 

At the event 

After an inspiring opening session, which gave participants an overview of the current media landscape and guidance on best practice when pitching your story to print media and radio, Necessities UK got the chance to pitch to a panel of journalists. 

Following this, the charities were also treated to a tour of the News UK office, including the newsrooms and radio studios. 

It was fun to engage in person with all the other charities that participated as it is rare for many charities to all be in the same room together if not in the same sector.

The impact 

After the event, Necessities UK followed up with the journalists, including a couple from Virgin Radio, that established an open line of communication that led to a collaboration and another chance to pitch – but for real this time! 

For their first chance of major media exposure, Necessities UK approached the pitch with confidence, using everything they had learnt from the training and practice pitching with Media Trust. They focused on presenting their mission and the real-life difference they make. It was such a success that Virgin Radio professionally produced a radio segment highlighting the charity’s mission! 

Virgin Radio presenter Andi perfectly captured the inspiring tone Necessities UK aimed for, delivering a concise and impactful message. 

We got much more reach through this opportunity!

The radio segment led to a noticeable increase in website traffic, getting their message in front of a whole new audience that had not heard of them before. Necessities UK were delighted with the result, they fulfilled their mission to help their community, and we can’t wait to see what they achieve next! 

We would like to give a give huge thank you to everyone at News UK for your hard work and collaboration on these events, helping to ensure these charities get their stories heard!

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