Janette Ballard is not a fan of top tips. But she does have ideas on how to think about tackling online misinformation for charities using critical thinking tools. Read on to explore Janette’s critical thinking tools that will help your charity challenge misinformation and reduce the noise smartly and safely.

TikTok for charities: Tackling misinformation

Janette Ballard is not a fan of top tips. But she does have ideas on how to think about tackling online misinformation for charities using critical thinking tools. Read on to explore Janette’s critical thinking...

Posted 23 July 2024

Why intersectionality matters for charities

There is no such thing as a single-issue struggle, because we do not live single-issue lives. Audre Lorde You might have heard the term ‘intersectionality’ recently. Maybe you’ve seen it in a book, on social...

Posted 9 July 2024

Four people are standing side by side with their arms around each other. They are wearing colorful clothing: a pink coat, an orange fringed jacket, a magenta coat, and a purple coat. A camera hangs from the shoulder of the person on the left. Their faces are not visible.

How to write a great volunteer opportunity

With so many charities looking for volunteer support, how do you make sure that your role stands out from the crowd? Here are our top tips for writing an engaging volunteer opportunity that excites volunteers...

Posted 10 May 2024

A laptop, notepad and pencil on a blue background