From Cream Teas to Climate Action: Campaigning with the National Trust

02 Mar

Thursday 2 March 2023 10:00 - 11:00

Join the Weston Communicating Climate Programme’s upcoming masterclass to hear about powerful climate campaigning with the National Trust!

In From Cream Teas to Climate Action: Campaigning with the National Trust, Mark Funnell (Communications and Campaigns Director) and Sally Robinson (Media Lead of the Attacks on Nature Campaign) will talk UK environmental charities through the NT’s strategy in embedding bold environmental storytelling into their communications and mobilising their audiences into action!

If you work for an environmental charity in a campaigning, communications, and marketing capacity, join us on Thursday 2 March to gain inspiration in tackling our greatest shared challenge – protecting our planet! This free session will also provide an opportunity for attendees to directly ask their questions and gain inspiration for their own campaigns.

In this masterclass you will hear the National Trust’s approach to:

  • Becoming a more powerful and influential climate campaigning voice in the UK
  • Embedding speaking truth to power and policy change into their digital communications without alienating audiences
  • Engaging and inspiring audiences into taking climate action
  • Practical advice for small environmental organisations looking to effectively communicate in their campaigns

Please note the masterclass link will be released to delegates ahead of the event. Register to attend by completing the Eventbrite form (and please keep an eye on your junk mail).

Our speaker

Mark is the Communications and Campaigns Director at the National Trust, looking after external communications, internal communications, policy and advocacy, and content and publishing. He is also Chair of a small woodland creation charity Avon Needs Trees.

Mark has specialised in environmental communications and campaigns for over 20 years. His previous roles include interim Director of Communications at Defra, Head of Communications at the Forestry Commission and Head of External Relations at the Environment Agency.

Attendance eligibility

This session is aimed at climate and environmental charities, as well as charities working on the intersection of environmental and other issues.

Intermediate: This event is aimed at charity professionals who have communications as part of their job role and senior leaders who are interested in developing their organisation’s campaigns and communications.

About the Weston Communicating Climate Programme

The award winning Weston Communicating Climate Programme supports UK environmental and climate charities to enhance the reach, power, and impact of their communications.

This six month online programme gives charities free access to expert-led training, networking opportunities, resources, and one-to-one sessions with media industry professionals to empower them to influence media discourse, policy and public sentiment on climate and environmental issues. Find out more and apply here (deadline 7 March 9am).

Book your place

To secure your place on this course, register today via our Eventbrite page.


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