Manchester Speedmatching Event

13 May

Monday 13 May 2019 14:00 - 16:30

Join us on Monday 13 May for an afternoon with Manchester-based media and creative industry experts to get on the spot advice, ideas and feedback.

Are there aspects of your communications strategy that you would like to get advice on? Do you have a campaign or event on the horizon or new audience you would like to engage? Then sign up for our free Speedmatching event.

How does Speedmatching work?

Speedmatching, based on the speed dating model, is a fun and informal way to get 1-to-1 advice from media and communication experts for your charity.

The event bring’s together attendees from the charity sector with media and creative industry professionals who want to volunteer their time and expertise with charity’s like yours.

You’ll spend a few minutes with each volunteer, giving you the opportunity to discuss your charity’s marketing and communications challenge(s).

Volunteer support for your charity

As the name suggests, Speedmatching will also give you the opportunity to meet a volunteer “match” for your charity. Each charity attendee and volunteer will be given a match card. If you both mark on your card that you’d like to work together post-event, then it’s a match and we’ll put you in touch.

Manchester media experts

You’ll be joining volunteers from global communications agency, MediaCom as well as other Manchester based media and creative professionals.


  1. MediaCom talk: How to improve your charity’s communications.
  2. Speedmatching session: At this event we will have up to 15 charities and 15 media professionals. You will be rotating around the room and have up to eight minutes with each media professional to talk about your communication challenge, and get free on the spot advice.
  3. Networking and refreshments.


“It is the first time I have done a Speedmatching event – what a great experience! I am impressed and strongly recommend this to everyone".

Mihai Bica, Roma Support Group

Who should attend?

If you deal with the communications within your charity, then this event is perfect for you.

This event is for registered charities only. Due to demand, we can only accommodate one person per charity.

Register now

You can register to attend below. To ensure you get the very most out of this event please tell us about the communications challenge(s) you want to discuss with our volunteers. It should only take a few minutes to complete the form and it will help our volunteer’s prepare.

Places are limited. We will confirm if you have secured a place no later than Wednesday 8 May.

For more information contact Volunteering Manager, Kassandra Gordon at