Reason Digital – Digital Fundraising Webinar

05 May 07 May

Tuesday 5 May 2020 - Thursday 7 May 2020 10:30 - 11:30

With the current crisis fundraising methods for charities are now having to shift to digital and online platforms. This shows you how!

The last 10 years has seen a slow shift from traditional fundraising methods towards more digital ones. This has meant charities have needed to react to protect their income, yet many have struggled to embrace digital fundraising fully, especially smaller organisations. The COVID-19 crisis is now making this urgent. Events are cancelled, shops are closed. With people stuck at home on their laptops and phones: digital is the answer.

Yet smaller, local charities struggle to find the resources – both time and money – to devote to taking their fundraising online, despite needing the public’s support the most. So, as a small charity where should you start?

In this specially commissioned two part webinar from The Media Trust, delivered by Matt Haworth, author of the Digital Fundraising Book and Co-Founder of Reason Digital, we’ll take you from the basics, through taking funds online, to creative ways to get quick win results during lockdown.

Each session is a live broadcast webinar with 45 minutes of content and 15 minutes for questions and answers to ask about specific challenges you’re facing. It’s funded by the John Lyon’s Charity and targeted and tailored for smaller organisations without fundraising teams or dedicated fundraising staff.

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Join this two-day training to learn how to get the most out of LinkedIn for your charity Is your charity...

A person holding a mobile phone, with the LinkedIn logo on the screen.