Vlogstar Challenge kept my mind active during lockdown

Posted 26 October 2020

With the Vlogstar Challenge Grand Final on the horizon, finalist Callum Giles shares his thoughts on why he applied and how it’s helped him through the pandemic.

I first got involved with Vlogstar Challenge through an opportunity that was handed to me via my new college that I was knee-deep in preparing for at the time.

At first, I saw Vlogstar Challenge as a great way to pass the time and I expected that this challenge would definitely give me the chance to strengthen my knowledge in vlogging. I can assure you before this event took place, you’d see me in a panic just with a hand-camera on me!

Taking what I learnt in one starter session alone, I went off to record and edit and decided to submit my entry video. Little did I know though that my Vlogstar Challenge experience would go much further and better than I’d ever expected.

Vlogging through lockdown

I’m sure I am speaking on behalf of a select amount of people nationwide, myself included, that lockdown has made us feel extremely isolated, out of touch, and even lost in some sense. Participating in Vlogstar Challenge has really helped me out not only media-wise, but it has helped my mental state and has guided me to think of most things bright, in a world currently surrounded by an abundance of darkness.

The event has helped keep me occupied and constantly active, mentally and physically, throughout these circumstances. With Vlogstar, there is never a dull moment!

Callum's Vlogstar Challenge semi-final entry

Making it to the final

Of course, regardless of who you are it is always a great feeling when you know you have achieved something but when I realised I managed to make it to the Vlogstar Challenge 2020 Final, I was honestly lost for words, filled with ecstasy, and incredibly taken aback.

To think just a few months back, I was what many people thought of as an ‘awkward, monotone and dull Aspie’, who had next to no experience on how to work with lighting, cameras and editing software who is now standing proud as a Vlogstar Challenge finalist.

Taking part in the Vlogstar Challenge has undoubtedly helped me better myself as an online persona whether this is from learning the top tips and the fundamentals of editing, to the wide range of camera shots and lighting techniques, to how to make your channel stand out amongst a parade of other channels who rival each other in the vlogging genre. You will definitely learn at least one new thing whilst embarking on your Vlogstar journey.

What winning would mean to me

Winning this challenge would not only be an honour, but it would also help me immensely in achieving my dream of becoming a writer in the media industry. Since the start this challenge has never left me short of ideas, and I’m always keen to think of more ideas to write about.

Not only has it opened up doors in terms of my career, but this challenge has also really opened up my confidence and self-belief. From starting out as an extremely shy kid, who would feel ridiculously scared and nervous to voice his opinion about anything, to now becoming a content creator who stands up for the Asperger’s community.

I feel extremely proud of myself, and I’ll never forget how the Vlogstar Challenge has helped me come out of my shell and be in the position that I am in now… a Vlogstar finalist.

I wish the absolute best of luck to all the fellow finalists!

The Vlogstar Challenge Grand Final is taking place on Tuesday 3 November from 5pm. Follow @Media_Trust and #VlogstarChallenge for live updates on the night.

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