I volunteer at Women’s Voices to help change the narrative for women

Posted 15 April 2021

Charlotte Pearce, Creative Solutions Executive at A Million Ads volunteered at this year’s Women’s Voices event in celebration of International Women’s Day 2021.

I work as a Creative Solutions Executive at A Million Ads – a wonderful company that delivers personalised audio and video ads. Day to day, I help creative agencies write dynamic scripts, while thinking about how we can use data signals such as location, the weather and time of day to personalise each ad to the unique listener.  

Supporting all those who identify as female is highly important to me and should be a priority for all genders.

I have conversations with friends, family and colleagues about sexism often – which is both brilliant and crushing. Because of this, I wanted to volunteer for Women’s Voices as it serves as a loud voice for millions of silenced women in the UK. Media Trust are proactively helping us change the narrative for women’s justice – why wouldn’t you want to be involved? 

An opportunity for us all to learn  

I volunteered with charity C2C Social Action, who help offer support to young offenders and improve the lives of people (mainly women) in the criminal justice system. After Zoom introductions, we discussed the charity’s brief and came up with an action plan for the charity to take away. 

The best part about the day was how we were all able to help each other and build on some pretty brilliant ideas - all in a couple of hours!

I learnt so much about the difficulties women face after being involved with crime too – Angie Kennedy (CEO) said something that really stuck with me after the session: Imagine the worst mistake you’ve ever made, and now imagine being defined by that one mistake for the rest of your whole life and how that would make you feel. We all deserve a second chance’. Being on a call with women who were all wanting to help each other was incredibly uplifting. 

I hope that from Women’s Voices we were able to give the wonderful ladies at C2C the confidence boost they needed to start implementing the plan we collectively thought out. Charities are the experts in their own fields – we were just there to support and advise on their future goals. I was blown away with how much C2C are already doing, and above all else I hope that we helped build out their existing vision by providing useful resources and media advice.   

Why I volunteer with Media Trust  

Volunteering brings me so much happiness! This is my second time helping at Women’s Voices and you bet I’ll be signing up next year. Being educated about how different some women’s lives are is certainly not an easy conversation, but it is one that’s needed in order to promote change. It also puts my life into perspective, and for that reason I’m grateful for both my life and how I have the opportunity to help others in need. 

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