
Social media expert needed to improve our use of Linked In

As an occupational charity we feel we could better use LinkedIn for recruiting volunteers and finding advocates who will help us spread the word and champion our cause on social media. I know we are only using a very small proportion of the capability of LinkedIn but am by no means a social media expert and would appreciate some advice and input on how we might be able to use it more effectively.

Focussed Help: 5-8 hours

Other | Mentoring | Remote

Skills requested

Marketing Campaign planning, Influencer marketing

Charity Details

NewstrAid was founded in 1839 and since then has been providing welfare support to people who are, or have been, employed in the selling and distribution of newspapers and magazines in the UK and who find themselves in hardship. This includes their immediate family and dependants who are in need or in distress.
We provide financial help, emotional support and practical advice to this sector of the newspaper and magazine industry.

Location: East of England

Size of Organisation: Medium
