Current Volunteer Opportunities

Media Trust supports organisations working on a huge range of causes. Our charity partner organisations are united in a mission to create positive change. Check out our current volunteer opportunities to see how you can get involved.

British Association for Early Childhood Education (Early Education)

Can you train our volunteers to use TikTok and social media?

We are a small charity with volunteer-run local branches around the UK. Our local branch volunteers organise meetings for local early years practitioners to connect, network and hear from expert speakers. However, attendances are falling and we're not reaching newer, younger staff. Our branch officers have identified needing help with social media, specifically TikTok, to reach new audiences. The central office team could do with some help on this too. If you can help train our volunteers and staff team and offer us some ongoing support, we'd love to hear from you. We're aiming to get some TikTok activity going, at least on a trial basis with a few branches, and see if it helps to boost awareness and bring in new members. Success would be evidence of increased reach -and ideally increased attendance at events and new members. We want to engage a new generation of early years practitioners to help them deliver the best possible early childhood education to young children.

Focussed Help: 5-8 hours

Education | Training | Remote

Skills requested

Social Media Content creation, Content planning, Social media strategy


Your Story film to post on our website

If you are an aspiring filmmaker then let me know. We regularly aim to post video stories of events that happen in the community. Should you have a video camera or phone to shoot your productions then it's perfect for us. We are always interested in short stories especially if they involve new content happening near you. Let's have a chat and we can take it from there. 

Quick Fix: 1-4 hours

Community | Creating | Remote or Face to Face


Help with short film clips of our amazing staff

Recruiting staff to work in adult social care is a huge challenge. Our best advocates are the people who work for us already. We want to film some of our amazing staff talking about their jobs, then we can use the clips on our website, on our social media and in our recruitment campaigns. We tried doing this ourselves and realised we do not have the skills!

Mini Project: 9-12 hours

Older people | Creating | Face to face

Skills requested

Digital Strategy Defining requirements for projects, Strategy

Film, TV, and Broadcasting Editing films, Filming, Production, Storyboarding

Photography Photographing an event/shoot

Social Media Content creation

The Sutton Hoo Ship's Company

Expert needed to increase our social media coverage on all platforms

We have a unique, vibrant and exciting project that must be shared with more people. Our team of volunteers is busy building the Sutton Hoo ship reconstruction and running the charity, but our social media is neglected. We are looking for someone interested in historical heritage projects and a keen eye for an excellent message to join our team and increase the volume of social messages we share. We have videographers, photographers, graphic artists and designers at our disposal to help create content. Still, we need one or two people to publish the social media content more regularly. We currently use Facebook, Instagram and X, but we are happy to use other platforms if appropriate. Ideally, we would like at least two weekly messages posted on each platform. We will work with the volunteers to ensure they have the knowledge, information, and imagery they need to do their jobs. Messages must appeal to a broad community section, including the young and old. We are based in Woodbridge, Suffolk, but these roles can easily be carried out remotely.

Focussed Help: 5-8 hours

Heritage | Creating | Remote or Face to Face

Skills requested

Social Media Content creation, Content planning, Paid social media advertising, Social media reporting, Social media strategy

Charity Hall of Fame (hosted by Do-it Trust)

PR & Comms support needed to help us launch our new Hall of Fame

Charity Hall is a brand new initiative dedicated to creating a Hall of Fame for charities and civil society. We are currently open for nominations from both the public and the charity sector and need assistance with the following:

Comms and PR Strategy: Help us develop a comprehensive communications and public relations strategy aimed at generating interest from both trade and consumer media. This will focus on encouraging nominations and promoting our first class of inductees, set to be announced in early 2025.

Media Engagement: Assist us in establishing connections with key trade and consumer media outlets to help raise our profile and increase visibility for Charity Hall.

Brand Awareness and Sponsorship: Collaborate with us to develop brand awareness and key performance indicators (KPIs) that we can present as part of a corporate sponsorship package for our launch event next year.

In depth Project: 13-16 hours

Heritage | Creating | Remote or Face to Face

Skills requested

Copywriting Specific audiences

Marketing Campaign planning, Influencer marketing, Marketing copy, Marketing strategy

PR and Journalism Campaigns, Celebrity management, Influencer management, Selling in press releases, Working with journalists, Writing press releases

Doctors in Distress

Social Media expert to create engaging visual content for our social media plat

Doctors in Distress needs help in refreshing its image on socials. We want a skilled social media creator, who can design engaging graphics and content, tailored to all our platforms. The visuals will demonstrate the impact of our support programmes, participant feedback and statistics around the topic of medical mental health and suicide. Our goal is to produce more captivating images to engage audiences, inject some energy and passion into our brand, and create consistency across our platforms. Improving our social media presence, we hope this will lead to additional engagement with our support programmes and increased interaction with the work of the charity.

In depth Project: 13-16 hours

Mental Health | Creating | Remote

Skills requested

Advertising Copy

Marketing Marketing copy

Social Media Content creation, Content planning


Copywriter for success stories

Hello, We have 4-5 volunteer interviews recorded via forms in Q&A format, but, we only sometimes have the time to turn them into stories. You can see previous examples here. Stories are crucial in bringing new volunteers (and partners) to our organisation. Applicants for this role should have some copywriting experience. We're happy to provide an opportunity for someone improving their craft and seasoned professionals looking to use their skills for good. The length of each story differs based on the number of copies each form completer shares. Generally, each story is 600-800 words and we include as many original quotes as possible. Currently, each story takes us between 1-2 hours to create. We use AI as a first pass, then edit the content, which includes approximately 10-30 minutes for writing summaries for social media. We would love you to produce one story weekly, but we are also flexible. This is the first time using the platform, and we know people have busy lives. We can also split the work if we get a couple of copywriters :) Thanks!

Focussed Help: 5-8 hours

Employment and Training | Creating | Remote

Skills requested

Copywriting Copy, Editing


Video editor to edit videos for social media

Hello, We have a few interviews recorded, and plenty of b-roll, but we need more time to edit them. We know video is crucial in bringing applicants, volunteers and partners into our organisation. We have footage for around six videos. These videos should be around 2-3mins long. Three of the videos are shot on two cameras (like this one), and the others are shot straight to one camera (like this). Applicants should have some video editing experience. We're happy to provide an opportunity for someone improving their craft and seasoned professionals looking to use their skills for good. We would love you to be able to produce approx. one video per week, but we are also pretty flexible. This is the first time using the platform; we know people have busy lives. We can also split the work if we get a couple of volunteers :) Thanks! 

Mini Project: 9-12 hours

Employment and Training | Creating | Remote

Skills requested

Film, TV, and Broadcasting Editing films

Social Media Content creation

SINCE 9/11

Volunteer Role: Communications Strategy Development for Small Charity

SINCE 9/11 is a small charity struggling to communicate our mission, impact, and educational offer to our audience. We know that we need a comprehensive communications strategy to enhance our outreach, improve engagement with schools, and to attract more supporters and donors. Our current efforts are limited, and we need guidance and support to help us to create a cohesive, deliverable and impactful communication plan. We already have a brand, although how we use it needs guidance, as well as a presence on a number of social media platforms. We also have a website with fairly constant traffic and are looking to take on an email platform to promote our work to schools. Additionally, we have some (albeit limited) testimonials and success stories from beneficiaries, along with limited data on our previous delivery. To help guide and steer us, we are seeking a volunteer with experience in strategic communications, ideally in the non-profit sector. The ideal candidate will have skills in marketing, branding, content creation, and digital media strategies. We hope that a well-considered communications strategy will lead to increased visibility and engagement and inspire more schools to engage with our work.

In depth Project: 13-16 hours

Education | Mentoring | Remote or Face to Face

Skills requested

Branding Brand guidelines, Mission, vision and values, Templates design

Digital Strategy Strategy

Marketing Campaign planning, Marketing strategy

Social Media Social media strategy

Website Design thinking techniques (eg: user journeys and personas)

Blossom LGBT

Help to Revamp or Redesign our Website

In 2023 Blossom LGBT grew by over 9900% launching three new schemes, employing a brand new team of staff, and reaching a brand new audience. Whilst we've grown our website hasn't really kept up.

At the moment our branding is pretty poorly integrated into the site, the journey to find our different services is confusing, plus the design and copy is very inconsistent. We'd like you to help by redesigning our homepage, about, and contact us pages. Creating a package of template pages that we can easily duplicate. And design a navigation style that's more intuitive ensuring our young adults find the support they need quickly & that our corporate clients don't feel like an after thought. The website is currently hosted on Wordpress but we'd also be open to exploring alternatives!


Your support will ensure more queer young adults make it onto our mentoring scheme, resulting in them lasting up to four times longer in their first job!

In depth Project: 13-16 hours

LGBTQ+ | Creating | Remote or Face to Face

Skills requested

Copywriting Copy, Copy guidelines

Graphic Design Animation, Editing graphics, Graphics, Logos, Templates

Website Design thinking techniques (eg: user journeys and personas), Redesign, Site maps , User experience

Our Corporate Partners

We enjoy outstanding support from the media industry. Our partners include: