Media Trust’s TikTok Charity Academy – Watch Party Volunteer Sign Up

Find out more about TikTok Charity Academy here.

We’re looking for volunteers to mentor charities online during Media Trust’s TikTok Charity Academy between 4 – 18 July.

We need volunteers with experience developing strategy or creating content for TikTok to spend one hour a week with up to 10 charities providing feedback, ideas and coaching to amplify each charities work, connect with audiences online and campaign for justice and equality.

The watch parties will take place Thursday 4 July 14:00-15:30, Thursday 11 July 14:00-15:00 and Thursday 18 July 14:00-15:00. Please tick to confirm you are available for these dates:(Required)
Highlight how you would share your expertise and insights to improve TikTok content strategies for charities, including any experience in facilitating groups, social media work, mentoring, and working specifically with charities.
You will be mentoring a group of up to 10 charities, which will be grouped by social issue and size. If you have a preference for the type of charities you’d like to work with, please select your top three choices from below, if you have no preference please leave blank.
Terms and Conditions(Required)

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