Media Trust launches new range of digital resources in response to charity needs

Posted 18 July 2019

Media Trust's Director of Charity Services, Jenny Walton discusses the need to bridge the digital skills gap within the sector and why it's of the upmost importance to her that our new range of online resources provide charities, regardless of size or location, the access to the latest learning in digital marketing communications.

This week at Media Trust we launched our new series of Digital Marketing Strategy Webinars, funded by Marketing Trust and developed in partnership with Reason Digital. They have been designed specifically for charities who are looking to be more strategic with how they use digital to communicate and engage audiences with their work.

The webinars are part of our Summer Digital Resources Programme which kicked off in June 2019 with the release of Digital Leadership Stories, a five-part film series that offers an inside look into small charities that are leading the way in digital. This was followed by our Digital Marketing Toolkit, a set of templates designed to help charity leaders and those involved in their charity’s marketing develop and implement an effective digital marketing strategy.

The Summer Digital Resources Programme

The summer programme forms part of Media Trust’s wider focus on digital skills within in the charity sector. As a charity ourselves we know first hand the challenges that those in the third sector face, with the Digital Skills Report and NCVO almanac revealing a serious skills gap with many small charities in the UK.

From our experience of delivering marketing and communications training to voluntary sector organisations, we know there are thousands of small charities doing incredible frontline work that lack the resource, time and expertise to create meaningful marketing strategies that drive fundraising, awareness and audience engagement with supporters and service users. Furthermore, the ever-stronger presence of digital has led to increased competition amongst charities to grab the attention of audiences.

Barriers to access

Despite understanding the need to keep up with the pace of change, charities continue to face barriers to accessing quality and tailored digital marketing training including limited budgets, lack of regional training and limited in-house resources to implement learning from the training.

The Summer Digital Resources Programme along with Media Trust’s wider online Resource Hub, aims to give all charities access to free insights, training and guides, regardless of size or location.  The content on the hub is a unique combination of insights from charity experts as well as Media Trust’s corporate partners which include media and tech giants like Google and Facebook. As we grow the content on the hub, we want to hear from you about what you’d like to see. What are the marketing and communications challenges your charity face and what resources would help you, even somewhat, overcome these? Get in touch with us, we’d love to hear from you.

Explore Media Trust's Summer Resources Programme:

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