Gabby Edlin, CEO and Founder of Bloody Good Period takes a deep dive into how they mobilised the Bloody Good Period audience into taking action, what challenges they faced along the way and some tactics that could help your own organisation.

Mobilising audiences

Gabby Edlin, CEO and Founder of Bloody Good Period takes a deep dive into how they mobilised the Bloody Good Period audience into taking action, what challenges they faced along the way and some tactics...

Posted 14 July 2021

Six women outside standing together. One woman holding up a sign that says WOMEN.

Getting Started with Digital – Digital Leadership Stories

In this film Lisa Jones, Communications and Campaigns Manager at women’s charity, Agenda explains how implementing a digital strategy can help small charities punch well above their weight in all aspects of communications, notably campaigning.  

Posted 17 June 2019

Computer screen with social media posts