Media Unlocked

Media Unlocked is Media Trust’s brand new creative digital media programme, funded by The Kusuma Trust and delivered free-of-charge to six schools in the West London Partnership.

At Media Trust we strive for a more responsible, representative, and connected media sector. In order to achieve this, we need to empower young people with the future-facing creative digital media skills they need to break into the industry.

Media Unlocked runs between September 2022 to July 2023 and offers six-weeks of digital creative media training to 30 students at each of the participating schools. Teachers, students and parents will also benefit from independent learning resources and career webinars from sought-after industry guest speakers.

In-person Training

Each school has been invited to identify 30 young people from Year 10 to Year 13 to take part in Media Unlocked. The sessions will cover finding your own voice, developing a story arc, choosing locations and subjects, shooting and editing digital video, and sharing content across different platforms.

Throughout the programme, students will be guided through the creation of a tangible project outcome – from creating digital video content to support their GCSEs and A-levels to producing a creative portfolio for job applications.

Career Webinars

Media Trust will arrange live careers webinars featuring influential speakers from the media, creative, film and TV industries. Expect speakers from brands such as BBC, Channel 4, Discovery, Instagram, Netflix, Sky, TikTok, Warner, Sky and YouTube.

Independent Learning Resources

As well as live learning, the teachers and young people who participate in the training will receive downloadable crib-sheet style guides to supplement the workshops and support homework, in-class teaching and independent learning.

If you have any questions about the programme, please contact our Senior Programme Coordinator, Ben Bethell at

Our Corporate Partners

We enjoy outstanding support from the media industry. Our partners include: