
Taking our mental health support service to a national level


Seeking to enhance their understanding of media engagement in the charity sector, Nikki, a trustee at Chasing the Stigma, took part in our Headlining Mental Health programme hoping to develop the charity’s messaging, improving their...

Posted 21 June 2023

Nine people from the Chasing the Stigma team, stood posing for a photo. Next to them is a quote that reads

Impassioning the North East with Weston Communicating Climate


The Natural History Society of Northumbria work hard to protect the nature of the North East of England and encourage local communities to learn from its beautiful wildlife. Ellie, a naturalist and ecologist, took part...

Posted 16 February 2023

A photo of Ellie smiling. Next to her is a photo that says

3 things I learnt from volunteering with Media Trust


Throughout her 20-year career including broadcasting, media relations, PR and marketing, Louise Chandler has lived by the phrase ‘pay it forward’. Why? For Louise, volunteering is a chance to empower others with knowledge, insight, and...

Posted 8 December 2022

Headshot of Louise with a quote that says