Our work

Media Trust bridges the gap between the media and creative industry and broader society to give charities, under-represented communities and young people a stronger voice.

Most charities in the UK raise less than £1million a year and 80% have an annual communications budget of just £1,000. They don’t have the communications skills, resources or connections needed to spread the word about their work and raise vital funds. However, the UK media and creative industry have some of the best communicators in the world. What’s more, they have access to thousands of individuals who want to give their time and skills to make a difference.

This is where we come in. We believe in the power of media to change lives. Our mission is to help charities, under-represented communities and young people have a stronger voice. Read on to find out how we do this.

Hear from our former Chair and long-time ambassador, Jon Snow, as he tells our unique story.

Connecting Good Skills with Good Causes

We match skilled professionals from across the media and creative industry with charities, local communities and young people in need of vital communications training, mentoring and support.

The inspirational volunteering opportunities we offer allow our skilled volunteers to put their communications knowledge, expertise and time to good use. By connecting with local communities and causes, our media and creative volunteers gain valuable insight into issues they would otherwise be unaware of. What’s more, it allows them to support the causes that they feel most passionate about.

Our structured volunteering events, which are typically focused around a particular issue or theme such as equalities, diversity or gender, give media and creative professionals the opportunity to spend up to a day working in teams with a charity or young person, to help them overcome their specific communications challenges.

In 2017, Media Trust launched its online volunteer platform giving charitable organisations a unique way to request help from expert media and creative professionals. Charities can post their specific communications challenges and volunteers can search and connect with the causes that most resonate with them and the opportunities that best suit their skills and availability.

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Facilitating Capacity Building, Stakeholder Dialogue & Collaboration

Each year, Media Trust helps to build the communications capabilities and skills of hundreds of charities and community groups across the UK. We offer a unique blend of training, mentoring and content creation opportunities, all designed to amplify voices of underrepresented communities in the media.

In 2018, Media Trust launched a significant new digital skills training programme in partnership with Google Digital Garage. This UK-wide scheme aims to support charities to develop their digital communications skills so they can more effectively and efficiently raise their profile, share the impact of their work and demonstrate the contribution they make in their communities.

When resource is scarce and time is precious, our online Resource Hub provides charity professionals with free learning courses, guides and articles so they can continue their learning at their own pace, in their own place.

Throughout our work, we continually strive to help charities overcome the often, one dimensional and negative portrayal of the communities and causes they represent. Moving forward, we aim to step up our efforts in this area to help them become more powerful storytellers.

That is why we are taking steps to drive greater consultation and dialogue between journalists, film-makers and programmers on the one hand, and vulnerable and marginalised communities on the other to ensure the impact being made by charities and community groups in towns and cities across the UK is being fairly reported, recognised and celebrated.

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We also design and deliver communications packages for Funders who want to help their grantees to develop their communications skills and capacity or develop compelling content to tell their stories.


Media Trust was founded by Caroline Diehl MBE in 1994 and she remained our Chief Executive until March 2017.

In 2000, Media Trust set up the Community Channel – the UK’s first dedicated television channel for social action and community stories, inspiring viewers to change their lives and engage with their communities. The Channel became an independent Community Benefit Society in 2016 and re-launched as Together in 2018. See www.togethertv.com

In September 2017, Su-Mei Thompson took over the role as CEO having previously been CEO of Women’s Foundation in Hong Kong for 10 years. She brings a great wealth of experience in charity, media and legal.

Our Corporate Partners

We enjoy outstanding support from the media industry. Our partners include: